Sunday, December 4, 2011

More on Creationism

In my previous post I tried to explain what Vedas has to say on creation of Universe and its comparison to Big Bang theory. But as I said words are always less to explain the thoughts from Vedas. So here I am continuing with the discussion with regards to space and time.

As its said that before Big Bang, there was no space and time, there were no distances between any tow objects, there was no relation between anything and no relativity. The Big Bang says there was one point, the nucleus of expanding Universe. But this point, this nucleus was neither in time nor in space as the space and time were not created then. So where was this point. Thus definitely it was not a geometrical point, it is neither geometrically describable nor logically conceivable. That is why the philosophers says about this point "it is a center which is everywhere, with circumference nowhere. It is as if the center of this circle has become the circumference itself." In Euclidean geometry we can't have such a circle.

So this Big Bang theory's center is everywhere, it means it is in everyone of us, every particle of this Universe. And the only thing I can imagine of who is in everyone and is everywhere is Him, the God, the Brahma... And he resides in everyone of us. Thus the Vedas says "Aham Brahmosmi" and "Soham".

OK, so now lets consider more. One of commentary on Big Bang says "There was no space and time before the Big Bang took place; therefore, there was no distance of one thing from another. We have come from a distanceless point, which means to say that even now, at this moment, when we appear to be far, far away—inconceivable light years of distance from that point—we are still sitting at that point only." So then where is creation if after millions year of spatial expansion we come to be at the same place.

Is this all Illusion, Maya? Are we trapped in a Matrix thinking te illusion as reality and waiting for the One to come....